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At present we are working from home – call us on 020 8444 4444, leave a messsage and we will return you call as soon as possible

or email us with ongoing or new enquiries info@travelwiseuk.com


What if the FCDO advises / re-impose advice against travel to a destination?

What if the FCDO permits travel but the destination has restrictions on travel from the UK?

What if England has another lockdown which prohibits overseas travel?

If the operator cannot provide the holiday, it is obliged to refund under the Package Travel Regulations (PTRs). Insurance will not normally provide cover. During the current crisis some operators have been reluctant to offer refunds; Travelwise will now only offer bookings with operators who acknowledge and abide by the PTR’s, in addition we will ensure all bookings have maximum flexibility and will advise the operators terms and conditions prior to confirming.

Where can I travel to?

The government will be introducing a traffic light system from 17 May and more details can be found here Travelling During Coronavirus

What if I catch Covid and cannot travel? What if I’m instructed to self-isolate by UK Test & Trace and cannot travel?

You should ensure your insurance policy includes cancellation cover for Covid (including medical quarantine) for the full value of your booking. Travelwise recommends Campbell Irvine Ltd which provides bespoke travel insurance cover

What if I live in a city/region which goes into local lockdown tier?

Tiered lockdowns have NOT prohibited international travel, even in the highest tier (Wales is an exception which permitted leaving the country only “with a reasonable excuse” during its last lockdown). The tour operator is not liable as the holiday can be provided as contracted. 

What if I no longer wish to travel, but the FCDO advises that travel to that destination is permitted?

This is disinclination to travel on your part as the operator can provide the holiday as contracted. The operator’s terms & conditions apply. In practice Travelwise will endeavour to obtain the most favourable terms possible utilising our long-established contacts and influence (but the right to a refund is not guaranteed as non-refundable costs may have been incurred).


What if I’m instructed to self-isolate by overseas authorities e.g. due to a positive Covid test in resort?

You should ensure your insurance policy includes medical cover for Covid (including medical quarantine cover).

How do I keep informed on entry/health requirements applicable to my destination?

Under the PTRs it is the responsibility of the tour operator to advise on entry requirements. In addition to this the Travelwise team is keeping abreast of the fast-changing requirements and will make them clear at quote stage (or subsequently if new protocols are introduced post-booking).  This information can be also be accessed through the FCDO site www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice

What if I catch Covid in destination?

You should ensure your insurance policy includes medical cover for Covid (i.e. medical expenses & any additional accommodation or travel costs).

What if a hotel/destination goes into lockdown while I am there?

What if the FCDO introduces advice against travel to a destination while I am there?

Under the Package Travel Regulations, the operator is responsible if the holiday cannot continue. To date the FCDO has not required immediate repatriation.


What if the UK authorities require me to quarantine on return?

Depending on the country you visit will determine the post-trip quarantine which will be your responsibility.

Please see updates here Travelling During Coronavirus